Robtest commands:
The robtest utility issues basic SCSI commands for a device attached to a NetBackup media server. The utility is in the following Windows or UNIX/Linu path:
veritas\volmgr\bin\robtest.exe or
The robtest utility uses the following options:
init- Initializes element status
initrange [#] - Initializes the element status range
allow - Allows media removal
prevent - Prevents media removal
extend- Extends media access port
retract- Retracts media access port
mode- Lists information about the library
m - Move medium
pos - Positions to a specific drive or slot
s [d|p|t|s [#]] [raw]- Reads element status
inquiry - Displays vendor and product ID
rezero - Rezeroes unit
inport - Readies inport (media access port)
debug- Toggles debug mode for this utility
test_ready- Sends a TEST UNIT READY to the device
unload - Issues the SCSI unload command
- The
variables can specify any of drive (d#), slot (s#), media access port (p#), or transport (t#). - The
options are the number of drives, the number of slots, the number of media access port elements, or the number of transports. - The pound or hash symbol (#) represents the number of elements for d, s, p, or t.
- The
variable can be either d# or #.
s d returns the status of all drives
s d1 returns the status of drive 1
s s returns the status of all slots
s s1 returns the status of slot 1
s p returns the status of all "media access port" slots
s t returns the status of the transport (that is, the gripper assembly)
m s1 d1 moves the contents of slot 1 into drive 1.
unload d1 rewinds the tape in the drive and releases the read/write head
m d1 s1 moves the tape from drive 1 into slot 1
init - starts the library and rescans the barcodes. The command should end with Initialize_Element_Status_Complete.
mode lists information about the library, such as the existence of a barcode reader, the number of drives, the media slots, the number of MAP ports, and so on.
debug changes the robtest session to debug mode. Retype debug to turn debug mode off. After you are in debug mode, type dm to print a list of Extended Robot Attributes, which can sometimes be useful for troubleshooting.
If the robtest utility is unresponsive, ensure the correct device path for the robotic unit has been defined to NetBackup.
With some exceptions, the robtest utility uses the drive device path for the unload command to dismount volumes.
The easiest way to see if your operating system and NetBackup are seeing the drives in the same way is to move a tape into a drive (for example, drive 1). Then look at the NetBackup Device Monitor to determine what drive number NetBackup sees the tape in. If the device monitor sees the tape as being something other than drive 1, change the Robot Drive Number of the drive in the NetBackup Media and Device Manager so that it matches the robotic drive number in which the robtest utility shows the tape. You will need to complete this step for every drive in the configuration.
The robtest utility interferes with robotic operations and prevents any mounts or dismounts from occurring while it runs. Please exit the utility when testing has been completed.
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