Recommended cache settings for Sybase ASA:
A good general rule is to keep the initial and minimum ASA database cache equal to or more than at least 10% of the total database size.
If a message such as the following is seen in server.log, then the cache (25M by default) is less than 10% of the total database file size. Note that this figure includes the transaction logs:
I. 09/25 12:11:10. Note: Server cache size is too small for database "NBDB"
Therefore, if this message appears, it may serve as an indication that the database cache settings need to be changed. Catalog backups should be run regularly to truncate the transaction logs. However, cache settings should be based upon the size of the actual database, not including the transaction logs.
Server.log is in the following location:
UNIX: /usr/openv/db/log/server.log
Determining the size of the database
By default, the database files are in the following location:
UNIX: /usr/openv/db/data
Windows: InstallPath\VERITAS\NetBackupDB\data
alfred% cd /usr/openv/db/data
alfred% ls
EMM_DATA.db EMM_INDEX.db NBDB.db NBDB.log vxdbms.conf
alfred% ls -al
total 108294
drwxr-xr-x 2 root bin 512 Oct 23 14:59 .
drwxr-xr-x 11 root bin 512 Oct 18 17:58 ..
-r-------- 1 root other 26226688 Oct 23 16:07 EMM_DATA.db
-r-------- 1 root other 26226688 Oct 23 16:07 EMM_INDEX.db
-r--r--r-- 1 root other 2453504 Oct 23 16:07 NBDB.db
-r-------- 1 root other 458752 Oct 23 16:07 NBDB.log
-rw------- 1 root bin 362 Oct 23 15:14 vxdbms.conf
Add up the total byte count for the following files:
If a message such as the following is seen in server.log, then the cache (25M by default) is less than 10% of the total database file size. Note that this figure includes the transaction logs:
I. 09/25 12:11:10. Note: Server cache size is too small for database "NBDB"
Therefore, if this message appears, it may serve as an indication that the database cache settings need to be changed. Catalog backups should be run regularly to truncate the transaction logs. However, cache settings should be based upon the size of the actual database, not including the transaction logs.
Server.log is in the following location:
UNIX: /usr/openv/db/log/server.log
Determining the size of the database
By default, the database files are in the following location:
UNIX: /usr/openv/db/data
Windows: InstallPath\VERITAS\NetBackupDB\data
alfred% cd /usr/openv/db/data
alfred% ls
EMM_DATA.db EMM_INDEX.db NBDB.db NBDB.log vxdbms.conf
alfred% ls -al
total 108294
drwxr-xr-x 2 root bin 512 Oct 23 14:59 .
drwxr-xr-x 11 root bin 512 Oct 18 17:58 ..
-r-------- 1 root other 26226688 Oct 23 16:07 EMM_DATA.db
-r-------- 1 root other 26226688 Oct 23 16:07 EMM_INDEX.db
-r--r--r-- 1 root other 2453504 Oct 23 16:07 NBDB.db
-r-------- 1 root other 458752 Oct 23 16:07 NBDB.log
-rw------- 1 root bin 362 Oct 23 15:14 vxdbms.conf
Add up the total byte count for the following files:
If Bare Metal Restore (BMR) is also installed, include the following files in the calculation:
Once the files have been totalled, then allocate at least 10% of this amount to the initial and minimumcache (do not include .log files in this calculation).
If the database files are not in the default location, look in vxdbms.conf to find them.
alfred # more v*.conf
VXDBMS_NB_DATA = /usr/openv/db/data
VXDBMS_NB_INDEX = /usr/openv/db/data
VXDBMS_NB_TLOG = /usr/openv/db/data
VXDBMS_NB_PASSWORD = 2371d950c797cb6cc83064e619715c908381bc9fc814d836
The location of vxdbms.conf itself is given in the bp.conf file in UNIX:
alfred # more /bp/bp.conf
VXDBMS_NB_DATA = /usr/openv/db/data
In Windows, the location of vxdbms.conf is given in the registry at the following location:
Configuring the Database cache settings
Cache settings can be changed by editing the server.conf file, kept in the following location:
UNIX: /usr/openv/var/global/server.conf
The System Administrator's Guide notes that the customer should only change this file with the help of Support.
There are three parameters related to the amount of memory in megabytes. The default settings are as follows:
-c 25M
Indicates the initial memory reserved for caching database pages and other server information. This should be adjusted in accordance with the calculation mentioned above.
-cl 25M
Indicates minimum cache size, as a limit to automatic cache resizing. This should be adjusted in accordance with the calculation mentioned above.
-ch 500M
Indicates the maximum cache size, as a limit to automatic cache growth.
Once the server.conf is edited, NetBackup Services should be restarted on the EMM server. Restart these services only when no jobs are active.
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